Friday, February 6, 2009


so i have come to realize that i am certainly.. 100 percent a hypochondriac... and im really not all so cool with that... WHY cant i just think that a headache is a headache..and not like.... a brain tumor.. why cant i think im im shakey..its nerves or something... and go to think its a tremor.or again..something effing wrong in my head... i guess ive always been like this... if something hurts.. i search it on the interweb..adn its so annoying.. it gets me all worked up thinkin a simple belly ache is fuckin... stomach cancer or something crazy.. "Hypochondria is often characterized by fears that minor bodily symptoms may indicate a serious illness, constant self-examination and self-diagnosis, and a preoccupation with one's body." that describes me to a t.. and scares the crap outta mee... makes me feeel like a crazyperson .lloll lately im trying to get over it.. if i feel dizzy.. i tell myself.. im not gonna faint.. where this all got worse was back in sept when i actually did faint at school.. man that scared the pisss outt of mee...standing there learning how to do roller sets..i get a sharp pain in my belly.. and then reaaly sharp pain in the right side of my blinding pain then little white lights are everywhere and thing i rememeber is the pain of hitting my face off the table and people sayingg..omg megan.. embarressin much. ugh.. ever since then i get weird feelings in my head...or fuckin.. dizzzy...weak adn feeel like i overal am likee...swaying and about to fall over if i dont grab onto something... it incredibly un cool..and i try and think its nothing..and of coursee..when i get these feeelings i automatically panic... and it makes it all the more worsee... idunno.. i think havee some thyroid problems.. or fuckin diabetes... wish i had a doctor that spoke english and would all the tests i want so i could clear my conscious.. (yeah i had to google that cus i cant spell. im a douchus maximus) ANYWAYS.. im pretty much enjoying ranting jus getting all this out because i talk to my mom about it.. or whoever adn they kinda take it lightly or change the subject like oh you just make to big a deeal out of things..well.. okayy.. i do. but i wouldnt if i had reasurance there was nothing wrong... the dr never called to give the results of my CT scan.. now.. most would say that probably means nothing was dont know my dr...hes a fuckkin stupid paki who probably got it and through it somewhere and forgot... it really would not suprisee me... ohhh life.. soo on another notee... im sick as balls today.. such a sore belly.. and was stupid enough to decidee... hay ill eat an omellete with cheeeseee... and mushrooms nad egggss..... man.. BAD idea for a soree belly.. it is now 334642 times worse..its greaaat! damned flu.. and flu season... and i dont fuckin believe in flu shots.. a) cus i hate neeedles with a passion . b) becausee why would i allow you to give me thee flu... its stupid..
So all in all.. im REALLY enjoyin life right noww.....not so much.. someone cheeer me up..kthx!


  1. Flu shots are total bullshit! I refuse to get one! a) I am TERRIFIED OF NEEDLES! piercing needles don't even phase me... but syringes... omg just saying it makes me cringe!

    b)why WOULD you let someone inject you with THE FLU?! That is just ridonk(ulous)!

    c) I have this fear that the strain of flu they inject you with, will mutate in my body with any of the new strands I come in contact with and create a SUPER VIRUS! I'll be fine of course, but I'll infect everyone around me... they'll then turn into super-flu zombies!

    ...I have an overactive imagination, I love conspiracy theories, and I fear zombies... such a horrible combination!
